Understanding the 40-Year Recertification City of Miami, Dade County, Hialeah Building Inspection Cost
Cost starts at $1,200 per Specialty (Electrical, Structural), Parking Illumination Photometric starts at $600 and Infrared Thermography Inspection at $800.
Buildings in Dade or Broward County celebratring its 40th birthday must be recertified by an professional engineer or registered architect to ensure its structural and electrical safety (after the initial at 40-year, buildings must also be recertified every ten years thereafter).
Our Consultant Licensed Professional Engineers are ready to perform your 30-Year Building Recertification Building-Structural, Electrical, Infrared Thermography, Parking Lot Illumination.
Building 40-Year Recertification City of Miami, Dade County, Beach, Hialeah, Homestead, Coral Gables, Doral, Broward / Cost.
30 Year Building Recertification Report includes electrical and structural inspections, level of illumination in the parking lots and compliance with guardrail for parking lots adjacent or abutting a body of water.
Destructive tests will not be performed.
If the service is 400A or more, we provide the Infrared Thermography Inspection, performed by a level II or III Certified Thermographer.
Also nonresidential building on farms are exempted from this Miami Dade Building Recertification.
In the event that repairs or modifications are found to be necessary resulting from the Building Safety Inspection Report, the owner shall have a total of 180 days from the date of the Building Report, unless otherwise specified by the Building Official in accordance with Code in which to correct the structural & electrical deficiencies that pose an immediate threat to life, health, safety or where failure of a critical component is imminent.
Once the corrections have been completed, a Engineer, or Architect need to re-inspect the areas noted on the original report and shall provide the building owner a signed and sealed letter stating the corrections have all been completed.
The owner shall submit that letter to the Building Official.
For deficiencies that cannot be corrected within one hundred eighty days, the time frame may be extended when a time frame is specified by the Engineer of Architect and approved by the BO.
Such extension shall be contingent on maintaining an active building permit as specified in the Code.
Repairs of deficient conditions that are incidental and non-life threatening shall be completed within a time frame as specified by the inspecting Licensed Engineer or Registered Architect and approved by the BO.
All repairs shall be completed in conformance with all applicable Sections of the Florida Existing Code and the National Electrical Code.
The Program for 40-Year Recertification was established in the mid 1970, and the program calls for electrical and structural safety in buildings.
40-Year Safety Inspection Program Broward County.
One and two family dwellings, U.S Government, Florida buildings, schools under the jurisdiction of the B.C. School Board, and buildings built on Indian Reservations are exempt from this Miami Building Recertification program.
The Program was created in 2005 and has become effective in January 2006.
Program excludes all buildings under 3,500 SF.
The Real Estate Property required Building Recertification report will state if the building or property under consideration appears to be safe for the specified use and continue occupancy.